A journey of light..

On October 13, 1963 in the small village of Siljan, Norway, Tore Hogstvedt was born. From an early age, he enjoyed his pristine and simple hometown, drawing and painting to pass the time as many other children do. Noticing his abilities, Tore’s teachers encouraged his talent and repeatedly reinforced that some day he could became a famous painter. At age 12, a painter from Porsgrunn began mentoring young Tore. After several years of guidance, Jøntvedt’s death brought Tore’s pass-time to a screaming halt. Frustrated because he was unable to further develop his artistic abilities, he put down his brushes. At 18, Tore considered becoming a priest and began an intensive study of Theology. Never regretting his choice and after 4 years of studying religious truth and the rational inquiry into religious questions, he finished his theological studies and received his first assignments.

That same year in 1986 while on holiday, Tore’s life made a dramatic turn. On the GreekIsland of Aegina outside Athens, he experienced love at first sight. Tore decided to leave the priesthood and married his French love Meriem in 1989 and had two sons. In 1995, Meriem insisted that Tore start painting again. Now energized, he dusted off his brushes and headed outdoors reigniting his passion for nature. He filled their apartment walls with colorful landscapes while Meriem secured his first exhibition. Today, Hogstvedt works daily from the window filled studio in his home and his backyard that provides a 360° sweeping undeveloped picturesque backdrop that Norway is known for. With the support of his wife, Tore Hogstvedt has painted a path for himself with enough light and colour to grab the attention of Scandinavia, Europe, Canada, America, East and South Asia collectors.”

“I first encountered Mr. Hogstvedt’s work here in Los Angeles in 2009. His landscapes extend Impressionist practice into new horizons. Saturated with subjective, expressive color, they retain the truth of nature, heightened and transformed by the artist into a distinct and personal statement. We wish him continued success.”

- Kevin Zweyer Anderson,
Anderson Galleries, Beverly Hills


Wild Flowers, Botanical Garden of Oslo – Oil on linen – 80×120 cm  

For sale at Galleri A – OSLO 



2023 Gallery Albir, SPAIN

2015 Galleri Oxholm, DENMARK

2015 X-Power Gallery, Taipei – TAIWAN

2015 Get Art Museum – TAIWAN

2015 ART Revolution, Taipei – TAIWAN

2014 Gallery France, Beynac – FRANCE

2011 M Gallery of Fine Art, Charleston – USA

2010 Audis Husar Fine Art, Beverly Hills – USA

2009 Camden Art Gallery, LONDON

2009 Anderson Galleries, Beverly Hills – USA

2007 Arta Gallery, Toronto – CANADA

2008 Gallery Gora, Montreal – CANADA

2006 Agora Gallery, New York City – USA

2001 Galerie Sylvie Rufin, Versailles – FRANCE


2023 Galleri Athene, DRAMMEN

2021 Galleri Nyhuus, GVARV

2019 Galleri Asbjørn, KONGSVINGER

2017 Interiør-Galleriet, OSLO

2016 Galleri Asbjørn, KONGSVINGER

2016 og 2015 FELIX, Aker brygge, OSLO

2014 Galleri Fagerheim, BAMBLE

2014 Galleri Brogata2, SKEDSMO

2013 Siljan Rådhus, SILJAN

2013 Galleri Asbjørn, KONGSVINGER

2012 Galleri Skagerak, KRAGERØD

2011 Rælingen Kunstforening

2011 Lardal Kunstforening, LARDAL

2009 Galleri Lillestrøm, SKEDSMO

2008 Galleri HKR, HAMAR

2008 og 2005 Galleri Falkum, SKIEN

2007 Tjømes Kunstsalong, OSLO

2007 Klokkergården, LARDAL

2006 SAS Radisson, BEITOSTØLEN

2000 Gallerihuset, STAVANGER


2024 Galleri A, OSLO

2019-23 Galleri Nyhuus, GVARV

2017-23 Galleri Bekkjarvik, BEKKJARVIK

2020-24 Rørås Kunstformidling

2018-23 Galleri Osebro, PORSGRUNN

2019-24 Galleri Fineart, OSLO

2018-20 Galleri Zink, LILLEHAMMER

2017-23 Interiør-Galleriet, OSLO

2017-24 Galleri Amare, STAVANGER

2018-24 Galleri Athene, DRAMMEN

2016 Galleri Beito, BEITOSTØLEN

2015 Galleri Ramfjord, OSLO

2015 Artgate, OSLO

2015-2019 Kunstsamleren, KONGSBERG

2013 Galleri Pingvin, OSLO

2013 Hans Børli selskap, Oppistun, EIDSKOG

2011 Galleri Matteo, PORSGRUNN

2010 Galleri Pan, OSLO

2010 Galleri Odvar Olsen, DRAMMEN

2010 Galleri A, OSLO

2008 Galleri Arctandria, OSLO

2003 Galleri Amare, STAVANGER

2000 Galleri Steen, OSLO

2000 Galleri Tonne, OSLO

2000 Gyldenlöwe Kunsthandel, OSLO

1999 Galleri V, OSLO

1999 Østlandsutstillingen / juried national exhibition

1998 Tale Art Museum Lillestrøm, SKEDSMO

1998 Abel Kunsthandel, OSLO


Norsk Hydro
TINE, Norske Meierier, Oslo
ABB Offshore Systems, Stavanger
Braastad Cognac, France
Beitostølen Resort A/S
Haukeland Universitetssjukehus, Bergen
Bolkesjø Hotell, Telemark
Romnes A/S, Oslo
Tellus Works, Oslo
Stavanger kunstforening
Lardal kommune
Siljan kommune
Rælingen kommune
Kongsvinger kommune
Byen Vår, Kongsvinger
Kongsvinger Bibliotek, Kongsvinger
Sentralsykehuset, Kongsvinger
Galleri Asbjørn, Kongsvinger
Glåmdal Trykkeri, Kongsvinger
Glåmdalen avis, Kongsvinger
Gunnar Holth Grusforretning A/S, Kongsvinger
KOBBL Kongsvinger
Kongssenteret, Kongsvinger
Sparebanken Hedmark, Kongsvinger
Romerikes Blad Lillestrøm
A-pressen ASA, Lillestrøm
Westco Renovasjon, Nittedal
Rotnes Bolig- og Eiendomsutvikling, Nittedal
Carpe Futura, Skedsmo
Rønhaug Bøkkedal
International collectors: USA, France, Canada, Taiwan, England, New Zealand

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